If I find I need the filter anywhere I can order a custom filter?
Yes. Feel free to contact the technical department, filtration will solve your problem.
How I can know which filter is best for my need?
The ongoing experience of over 20 years in the market and our production for first team, guarantees the quality of our product.
How does the comparator reference filter works?
Very easy, if you know what the filter reference Almofilter, Simply enter in the box "Search by reference Almofilter" and if you have a folder of another brand and want to know his counterpart Almofilter you must enter the mark in the appropriate box and tell you the equivalent equivalent filter Almofilter to what you want.
Can I buy a filter Almofilter directly or I have to go to a dealer?
One, and at the same time we are manufacturers and distributors of our own brand in the market-, RMG filters
Is the delivery of the filters is immediately?
We maintain a stock of product safety with more usual rotation, the flexibility of our production system allows us to very short lead times, and in the case of need to 24 hours.
Can you make filters for other brands?
Throughout the years we have worked closely with various companies engaged in the manufacture of filters present in the international market.